Today we start week three of our five-week stewardship renewal program, Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Set aside 10-20 minutes to read the scripture passage below, reflect on it, and pray with it. This Wednesday you will receive an action item via Flocknote that encourages you to put your complete trust in God, especially as it relates to your stewardship of the parish.
Reflection: Read Matthew 26: 6-13 and 26: 36-39. Note that the woman of Bethany spares no expense to honor Jesus before His Passion. What does Jesus mean by “the poor you will always have with you?” When Jesus is praying in the garden, he is distressed over his impending Passion. How does he place His trust in the Father at that moment? How is this a model of the trust we should put in the Lord? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to put that much trust in God and His providence?
This is the third of five action items for Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Once you have completed the Sunday reflection, considering the following:
In this Sunday’s reflections, you saw two examples of how Jesus saw Himself and His relationship to the Father. First, He acknowledges that people’s gifts (in this case, the woman’s perfume) should be poured out to honor Him. Second, Jesus submits Himself entirely to the Father and prays, “not my will, but yours be done.” How do these two moments relate to you, your gifts, and how they should be used for the love of God and neighbor?
Have you placed your gifts and treasures at the service of God and neighbor? Do you do this on your own schedule, when it is convenient, or regularly and regardless of convenience?
Visit the parish website and click on “online giving.” If you have not already done so, consider signing up and making your weekly offering an automatic payment, which occurs regularly. It is a safe, convenient, and efficient way to give—to give freely of your gifts, even when you are not present at Mass on Sunday.