Today we start week two of our five-week stewardship renewal program, Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Set aside 10-20 minutes to read the scripture passages below, reflect on them, and pray with them. This Wednesday you will receive an action item via Flocknote that encourages you to act as a grateful steward of the gifts God has given you.
Reflection 1: Read Genesis 39-41 in its entirety. Even after being sold into slavery, Joseph’s wise discernment and use of Potiphar’s gifts for the prosperity of his household earns him the position of steward, someone tasked with overseeing property and resources and “putting them to work” on behalf of another. Who is ultimately responsible for Joseph’s success in Potiphar’s household? Who does not abandon Joseph, even after he is falsely accused? Once Joseph is in Pharaoh’s household, he is tasked with preparing for the famine and helping the entire county through it. Note the names of Joseph’s sons, and how he gives thanks to God for seeing him through difficulty. Based on this entire reading, what are the qualities of a wise steward of God’s gifts?
Reflection 2: Read Isaiah 22:15-25. Shebnah was the steward of King Hezekiah of Judah. His pride and arrogance led to his removal and the appointment of Eliakim. What family title is given to Eliakim to describe his relationship to the people of Jerusalem? Note how he becomes a “throne” on which the whole “ancestral house” can sit. What does this say about those who wisely steward God’s gifts?
This is the second of five action items for Sharing Our Blessings 2018. Once you have completed the Sunday reflection, return to last week’s stewardship assessment and consider the following:
Given the time, talent, and treasure that you have received from God, in what areas have you been like Joseph, stewarding these gifts and bringing forth abundance?
Have any aspects of your time, talent, and treasure led to arrogance like Shebnah? In what ways have you held on too tightly to your gifts and considered them the product of your own labor, not God’s abundance?
Now that you have made an honest assessment of your gifts, consider in particular your time and talents. Visit your parish website and browse the volunteer opportunities available. Where can you be of the most help? Sign up to volunteer and commit to putting your gifts at the service of the parish.