Parishes in the Diocese of Worcester (see list below) are among those offering special times of prayer in response to SatanCon, the Satanic Temple convention scheduled to be held at the Boston Marriott Copley Place this weekend.
WORCESTER – People needing shelter could live indoors last winter, thanks in part to Blessed Sacrament Parish’s pastor, Father Thomas G. Landry, and parishioners. In all, 238 individuals spent one or more nights in the church’s Phelan Center.
As far as Dave Peterson is concerned, he’s back where he belongs – at Sunday Mass. The general manager of the Worcester Bravehearts’ college summer league baseball team grew up as a practicing Catholic in Medway, but stopped attending Mass for 17 years.
Divine Mercy Parish in Blackstone observed its first feast day last weekend, on Divine Mercy Sunday, having been formed last summer from St. Paul and St. Theresa parishes in Blackstone and St. Augustine Parish in Millville.
GARDNER - Matthew Morse and Leah Sigall received sacraments at the Easter Vigil Saturday in Annunciation Parish's Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church. Both tell their journey stories and what influenced them to become part of the Catholic Church.
Millions of young adults and others who are not otherwise active in the practice of faith took time this past Lent to receive ashes and engage in Lenten customs like Friday fasting and church visits. This is a sign of hope for the Church, a new chance to welcome and invite them back to Jesus and the Mass.
Mary Higgins' Divine Mercy to Seniors Ministry started its first Divine Mercy prayer group in the Diocese of Worcester in January at Quabbin Valley Healthcare in Athol.
Pernet Family Health Service of Worcester offers many programs for families in need, including emergency assistance and early intervention, and now it has another one - a day care center. Now, Pernet can offer child care after its merger with Webster Square Day Care Center.
The Archdiocese of Boston has recently noted that the “Satancon” convention will be held in Boston (at the end of April) ... in light of this Satancon event. Let us remember that our power to combat evil lies in the power of prayer, Bishop McManus said in a letter to the diocese.