WORCESTER - Bishop McManus spoke out against “death-dealing” bills in the Legislature Monday at a novena where prayers are said for the sick and dying.
The Knights of Columbus recently held their state installation at St. Augustine Parish in Millville, the parish of the new state deputy, Michael Lesperance.
Patrice Metcalf came full circle in her journey to becoming the music director of St. Anne and St. Patrick Parish in Sturbridge: She grew up in the parish.
First-time principal Renée Legendre of St. Anna Elementary School in Leominster is seeing opportunities for growth in faith and long-term investments in the school.
While many annual fundraising efforts were cancelled during the pandemic, Partners in Charity pushed forward. “It’s the lifeline of the diocese” as Bishop McManus has said.
Jesus wants to give us an inner fire, and a new boldness to evangelize, that comes from the joy of encountering him and knowing the magnificent love of his Spirit.