CLINTON – Statues and banners of saints were blessed at St. John, Guardian of Our Lady Parish today. More spiritual opportunities were set for All Saints Day.
Catholic voters “bears responsibility for connecting the dots between what our faith teaches and which candidates will best serve the common good,” Bishop W. Shawn McKnigh said.
Retired priest Father Conrad Pecevich has turned to Zoom to continue Bible study classes for participants to develop a deeper understanding of Scripture.
“It is obvious that from the Holy Father’s clear and repeated teaching on the moral inadmissibility of same-sex marriage, he is not drawing a moral equivalence between same-sex marriage and civil unions. In light of the received teaching of the Church on the morally problematic nature of civil unions, I look forward to further clarification from the Holy See.”
K&B’s Krayons and Beyond, a nonprofit in Westborough, delivered carloads of clothes to Catholic Charities recently and the two discussed a partnership.
Ninety-nine-year-old Father C. Romeo Lamothe, a retired priest of the Diocese of Worcester, died Tuesday, October 13, at the Rose Monahan Hospice in Worcester.
Pope Francis appointed Father William Draper Byrne, a College of the Holy Cross graduate and priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, as the 10th Bishop of Springfield.
In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our unity as missionaries by our baptism, Bishop McManus says in a letter to the Diocese.
"Abortion is a … blight on the soul of our great nation, and it cries out to the heavens for penance and reparation,” Bishop McManus said at Respect Life Sunday Mass.