Lenten Journey for hundreds on road to Full Participation in the Catholic Church
Rite of Election welcomes catechumens preparing for Easter
February 12, 2015, Worcester, MA -- On Sunday, February 14 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester, 251 candidates along with their sponsors and families will participate in various rites leading to completing their initiation into the Catholic Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult (RCIA) is the sacramental process used worldwide in the Roman Catholic Church through which people prepare for initiation, or come into full communion, or complete their initiation into the Roman Catholic Church.
The Rite of Election will be celebrated by 136 adults and children, the second step in their journey to full initiation at Easter. In the ceremony, Bishop McManus will accept the testimony of their sponsors and declare them worthy candidates for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist which they will celebrate in their parishes at the Easter Vigil.
Thirty nine adults baptized in other Christian traditions are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. They will be recognized by the Bishop and called to continuing conversion throughout this season of Lent as they prepare for full Eucharistic sharing at Easter. Another seventy-six adult Catholics will also be recognized and called to complete their initiation through the sacrament of Confirmation in the near future.
These candidates are from 41 parishes and one Catholic college in the Diocese of Worcester. The Rite of Election ceremony is celebrated annually on the First Sunday of Lent in cathedrals throughout the world as part of the RCIA.