Assumption and Worcester Diocese Announce Innovative Partnership
for Student Success
Guaranteed College Scholarships & Opportunities to Earn a Bachelors’ Degree
in 3.5 Years Among Many Other Academic and Co-curricular Advantages
for Saint Paul Students
June 4, 2020, WORCESTER, MA – Assumption College and the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Worcester have announced a unique partnership that will distinguish Saint Paul Diocesan Jr./Sr. High School and will expand the reach and influence of Assumption’s exemplary academic programs. The partnership will feature the development of innovative academic programs, professional development for high school teachers, and expanded student life options at Saint Paul.
The partnership is also a commitment to affordable college preparation and college-level education, since Saint Paul students will have the opportunity to earn a college degree one semester early, thereby maximizing the investment a family makes in a Catholic education.
“Assumption’s commitment to expanding access to authentic, Catholic education has inspired us to look beyond our campus to provide innovative opportunities to high school students who seek truth and understanding,” said Francesco C. Cesareo, Ph.D., president of Assumption. “Through this partnership, Saint Paul students and faculty will have access to a number of exemplary programs to enhance classroom instruction and experience as well as co-curricular programs that will contribute to a vibrant campus life experience for students. One such program would welcome Saint Paul students to Assumption’s campus in Rome, Italy, the birthplace of Western Civilization, where they may explore life’s fundamental questions and begin to discover their purpose in the world.”
“This is exciting news for our currently enrolled students and those families considering Saint Paul in the fall,” said Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester. “I am grateful to President Cesareo and all those who collaborated with him from the Assumption community for helping us to form our students for true success in a life that is rooted in a strong sense of personal mission and exceptional thinkers and communicators.”
The new partnership with Assumption will benefit the entire Saint Paul student body as well as faculty, from contributions to the classroom to extra-curricular opportunities. “For individual students with a strong commitment to academics, it is a chance to experience a continuum of education from junior high school through university level, and even graduate level studies, as Assumption has a number of graduate programs as well as many articulation agreements with respected institutions across the country, such as the University of Notre Dame and Washington University of St. Louis,” said David Perda, Ph.D., superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Worcester. The agreement also allows for Saint Paul students to participate in Assumption’s Great Books summer program, which offers the experience of living on a college campus.
“Dual enrollment opportunities, internships, opportunities to participate in summer programs, and the consideration for merit scholarships to Assumption will offer Saint Paul students a chance to engage beyond college preparatory education to college exploratory,” said Michael Clark, Head of School at Saint Paul. “Regardless of which college or university a Saint Paul student attends, their choice will be the result of a well-planned path and exceptional education that can begin as early as junior high.”
“We look forward to not only launching our partnership in the fall semester but, as importantly, adapting and responding as the student body grows and new needs arise,” he added.
Since both institutions are committed to academic excellence and a strong Catholic identity, Saint Paul students will benefit from a close partnership with a university whose identity is based on a strong foundation in both the liberal arts and pre-professional programs.
As an “Assumption Scholar,” academically gifted Saint Paul students would be invited to take up to four college classes for credit at both institutions. Starting in their junior year, Saint Paul students will be offered three courses at no cost; the fourth class will be offered at half-price, and, if the scholar were to enroll at Assumption, a tuition credit would be offered for that class. If a Saint Paul student chose to attend Assumption, this would provide considerable cost savings as Saint Paul students could have the opportunity to earn an undergraduate degree in three-and-a-half years. The scholars would be provided seamless admission to Assumption, which would include guaranteed merit scholarships, eligibility for early action admission at Assumption, and an application fee waiver.
Saint Paul and Assumption will also develop a program to support students who seek a deeper connection between their spiritual, personal, intellectual and social lives. Combined mentoring, service, and travel opportunities will comprise a partnership that builds community through shared experiences with a small group of students and a faculty mentor. “Our goal is to motivate students to find their calling and to identify and answer key questions in order to live a purposeful life,” said President Cesareo. The experience includes retreats, service projects and an option to reside at Assumption’s Rome Campus for an intensive capstone experience focused on the Eternal City's historical journey.
Assumption’s Mentor Collective, which focuses on the academic, social, and spiritual success of students during their first-year at the college, will be replicated at Saint Paul. It will pair high school freshmen with Assumption juniors with similar interests who are eager to listen, inspire and help navigate challenges and recognize opportunities. Saint Paul students will learn what to expect in high school, how to approach challenges and gain college preparation advice and valuable insights, while Assumption student mentors develop skills to become more effective leaders.
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