April 16, 2015, WORCESTER, MA – The Office of Development of the Diocese of Worcester has announced that as of April 14 it has received 11,059 gifts and pledges totaling $3,217,190 toward this year’s Annual Partners in Charity Appeal. Most of the 101 parishes in the diocese began their public appeal during Lent. The total raised to date represents 64 percent of the $5 million goal. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Our Faith in Action: United as the family of God.”
“Lent was a time for each of us as members of the Church to reflect on our mission to share God’s love for all people,” said Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester. “This strong support by many parishioners in our diocese demonstrates a commitment to help those in need through our charitable, educational and pastoral programs.”
The development office has noted that a number of households are participating in the donor “societies.” For example, 34 donors have been enrolled in the newly established Holy Family Society for gifts of $7,500 or more and 64 of the 101 priests who have made a donation to date have been enrolled in the St. John Vianney Society, having donated $1,000 or more. The societies are publicly acknowledged after the appeal has concluded in a published appeal report.
The website partners-charity.net offers information about what is supported by the appeal and a short video hosted by Bishop McManus, featuring people who have been assisted by this appeal. A complete list to date by parish is being published in this weekend’s issue of
The Catholic Free Press as well as on the Partners in Charity website. For more information, visit www.partner-charity.net or contact a local pastor or the Office of Development at 508-929-4368.
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