Religious communities of women and men were devoted to establishing Catholic schools, hospitals, and charitable agencies. Often this progress came at great sacrifice, and many older sisters, brothers, and religious order priests served for little to no pay.
Escalating healthcare costs and a lack of traditional retirement plans have created financial challenges for many religious communities. The Retirement Fund for Religious addresses this need, supporting more than 20,000 religious over the age of 70. In 2023, the average annual cost for their care was roughly $59,700 per person. With skilled nursing care, the average cost was $90,700.
In gratitude for their faithful service, please support the Retirement Fund for Religious and in praying for God’s blessing on our nation’s elderly and infirm religious women and men. Although the collection is taken up in December in our parishes, donations can be made at any time which will be sent to the National Office.
Partners in Charity encompasses three specific areas in our Diocese: Charity, Education and Ministry. Tens of thousands of people who are served and taught by ministries and agencies supported by Partners in Charity know that the power of Christ is behind the programs that help them.
These more than two dozen vital ministries are staffed by people who act in your name Your financial and prayerful support of Partners in Charity enables them to put their faith into action and be the face of Christ to others.
Please help us support our retired priests this Ash Wednesday as a part of our new Collection for Priest Retirement. A recent review of the benefits and expenses of priest retirement for our diocesan priests recommended a number of changes in benefits for those priests who have not yet retired. Bishop McManus accepted those recommendations after receiving the input and agreement of the priests in our diocese. These changes are projected to save up to $12 million through the year 2050. Please consider a donation to this Ash Wednesday Collection as a way to express your appreciation of the dedicated service of our retired priests to the people of our diocese.
Instilling the values of hard work, respect, and reaching their full potential is part of our Catholic mission. Adopt-A-Student scholarships are awarded not only on financial need but also on academic merit. Each Adopt-A-Student scholar must adhere to their school’s code of conduct and become involved in an extracurricular activity such as a club, student government, music or athletics. In addition, each family must pay a portion of the tuition fee — creating a true partnership and investment by all.
The gift of the priesthood is more than a personal vocation to which each priest is called. It is a gift to the community of faith. We are never without the sacramental graces conferred on each of us, thanks to the presence of a priest.
We invite you to consider ways in which you can show gratitude for the priests who have made a difference in your life as we face the financial challenge of caring for our retired priests.
You are invited to make a gift to the Priests’ Retirement Fund at any time during the year to honor a priest who helped you or your family. Visit
Consider making a Legacy Gift to the Retired Priests’ Fund in your estate planning so that you make a long-term difference in the care of our retired priests. Visit for more information.
Why should every Catholic in Central Massachusetts consider it their privilege and responsibility to support Catholic schools in our diocese?
Bishop McManus explains that "The answer can be found in the theme of our annual Catholic School appeal “Committed to encountering Christ.”...It is a mission that forms young people to be good parents, good community members and good Catholics in the future. In short, while we stand on the shoulders of giants before us, we rely on the giants of tomorrow to continue the mission to bring the good news of salvation to future generations."
Please help us support our 2024-2025 Catholic School Appeal today!
Donate Now!
The greatest forest started with a single seed.
Did you know there are creative ways to support Diocese of Worcester? Ways in which Diocese of Worcester, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts," because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Diocese of Worcester. For example: