The Novena will be celebrated for nine consecutive Mondays from 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm. The schedule of homilists are Sept. 11, Rev. Stephen M. Gemme; Sept. 18, Most Rev. Robert J. McManus; Sept. 25, Rev. Msgr. James P. Moroney; Oct. 2, Rev. Paul J. Shaughnessy, SJ; Oct. 9, Rev. John J. Gavin, SJ; Oct. 16, Rev. Robert A. Grattaroti; Oct. 23, Rev. Richard W. Polek; Oct. 30, Rev. Enoch Kyermateng; and Nov. 6, Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Sullivan. We hope that you will participate in this important annual event as the pressure increases on the state legislature to make physician assisted suicide the law in Massachusetts.