Adopt A Student Steering Committee
Joe Bafaro
Grace Clark
Edward Connor - chair
Dan DiTullio
Bob Kenney
William King
Ed Madaus
Fran Meringolo
Fr. Derek Mobilio
Robert O’Connor
Dennis O’Connor
Delphine Pape
Deb Seaman
Pat Smith
Delphine Soucie
Ex-Officio Members
Sherry Callahan
Michael Clark
Rebecca Gordon
Meg Kursonis
David Perda
Susan Saucier
African Ministry Representatives
Rev. Enoch Kyeremateng, chaplain
Dr. Anthony Adade, chairman
Raphael Bibiu, vice chairman
Nicholas Obeng, treasurer
Paul Awortwi-Mensah
Lucy Bibiu
Esther Boama-Nyarko
Anthony Boateng
Annemarie Kiure
Peter Kiure (Organizing Sec)
Etienne Niyonsaba
Esther Njonge,
Kwabena Odame-Darkwah (Catechist Ex officio)
Domtilla Randiki
Gidraf Ruo
Deacon Anthony J. Xatse
Audit Committee, Diocese
Richard Powell
Daniel Tinsley
Davide Villani
Marybeth Gilmore (staff)
Building Commission, Diocesan
Msgr James Moroney
Rob Johnson
John Lauring
Rev. Charles F. Monroe, Chairman
Jordan O’Connor
Kevin Seaman
Rev. Mark Rainville
Msgr. Richard F. Reidy
Nate Schroeder (staff)
Stephen Sycks (staff)
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Msgr. Francis J. Scollen, chairperson
Edelmira Spence
Patricia Halpin
Amie Neville
Sister Mary Azanza, RA
Catholic Schools Board, Diocesan
Brian Allen
Michael Curtis
Terry Foster
Steven Gentilucci
Beth Kurina, secretary
Rev. Enoch Kyeremateng
Elvis Lopez
Jamie Rame, vice-chair
Rev. Caarlos Ruiz
Christine Sawicki
Marc Tumeinski, chair
Stella ukairo
Anthony Zamarro
Erin Zamarro
Clergy Benefit Plan Board of Trustees
Rev. Charles F. Monroe, president
Rev. Edward D. Niccolls, treasurer
Rev. Laurence V. Brault
Rev. Michael A. DiGeronimo
Rev. Joseph M. Dolan
Rev. Juan Escudero
Rev. William C. Konicki
Rev. John L. Larochelle
Rev. Adam Reid
Msgr. Michael F. Rose
Commission for Women
Joan M. Talbot, contact
Pam Ashmankas, treasurer
Carolyn M. Black
Susan Zybert
Nancy Hughes
Jacqueline McLean
Diaconate Advisory Board, Diocesan
Deacon William A. Bilow, Jr., co-director
Deacon Donald Pegg, co-director
Deacon Kevin J. and Michelle Deignan
Donald Favreau
Rev. John F. Foley
Rev. James S. Mazzone
Deacon Peter and June Nguyen
Susan Pegg
Msgr. Richard Reidy
Deacon Peter and Gail Ryan
Marc Tumeinski
Deacon William H. and Theresa White
Deacon Anthony J. Xatse
Diaconate Selection Committee
Deacon Donald Pegg, director
Deacon Ronald B. and Kathleen Buron
Deacon Kevin J. and Michelle Deignan
Deacon Peter and June Nguyen
Deacon Donald and Susan Pegg
Deacon Peter and Gail Ryan
Deacon William H. and Theresa White
Expansion Fund Board, Diocesan
Peter Dawson, chairperson
Martin F. Connors, Jr.
Msgr. John E. Doran
John E. Graham
William F. Jones
Terrence Sullivan
Msgr. . Richard F. Reidy
Marybeth Gilmore (staff)
Stephen Sycks (staff)
Finance Council, Diocesan
Most Rev. Robert J. McManus
Richard Fournier, chairman
Raymond L. Delisle (secretary)
Michael Chege
Peter Dawson
Maria Lemieux
Rev. Daniel R. Mulcahy
John Pakaluk
David Perez
Frederick Randall
Msgr. . Richard Reidy
Mary Lou Retelle
Msgr. Francis Scollen
Davide Villani
Deb Beland (staff)
Michael Gillespie (staff)
Marybeth Gilmore (staff)
Guild of Our Lady of Providence
Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, honorary president
Rev. Richard F. Trainor, spiritual adviser
Donna Wrenn, president
Jo A. Luikey, treasurer
Katheryn Tamalavitch, corresponding secretary
Linda Delamere, recording secretary
Ellen Ross, vice-president
Patricia Smith, liaison to the bishop
Guild of St. Agnes Board of Directors
Cheryl Delsignore, president
Michael Akerson, vice president
Lee Davidson, treasurer
Patricia Couhig, secretary
Peter Allard
Robert Blute
Linda Bonder
Mark Brophy
Ellen Daly
Kristen Diggins
Alyssa Hansen
Frances King
Betsy Landry
John Mahan
Lynn McCarroll
Christine Lucey-Meagher
Stephen Mills
Sally Niemi-Farhoody
Mark Nilson
Mary Ann Preskul-Ricca
Sean Rose.
Investment Committee, Diocesan
Timothy Jarry
Frederick Randall
Msgr. Richard Reidy
Peter Wells
Marbeth Gilmore, staff
Lay Retirement Plans Committee, Diocesan
William J. Mufford
Frederick Randall
Msgr. Richard F. Reidy
Msgr. Michael F. Rose
Davide Villani
Marybeth Gilmore (staff)
Ongoing Priestly Formation Committee
Rev. Ronald Falco, director
Rev. Hugo Cano
Rev. Donato Infante III
Rev. MArk Rainville
Rev. Mateus Souza
Parish Renewal and Evangelization Committee-PRAE
Dwain Robbins, co-chair
John Zawacki, co-chair
John Boucher
Paula Hepp
Iris Jennings
Elizabeth Marcil
Esperanza Oliveras
Jackie Orlando
Susan Zybert
Pastoral Planning Committee
Elizabeth A. Marcil, chair
Anthony Adade
Raymond L. Delisle
Rev. Nicholas Desimone
Toni Harvey
Edgar Luna
Timthy Messenger
Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone
Msgr. Richard Reidy
Rev. Jose Rodriguez
Timothee Rodrique
Stephen Sycks
Most Rev. Robert J. McManus (ex officio)
Priests’ Personnel Board
Most Rev. Robert J. McManus, chairman ex-officio
Rev. Hugo Cano
Rev. Nicholas Desimone
Rev. James S. Mazzone
Msgr. Richard F. Reidy
Rev. José A. Rodríguez
Priests’ Salary Committee
Msgr. Francis J. Scollen, chairman
Msgr. John Doran
Rev. Enoch Kyeremateng
Rev. Juan Escudero
Rev. Jose Carvajal
Maria Lemieux
Marybeth Gilmore (staff)
Respect Life Committee, Diocesan
Allison LeDoux, director
Msgr. Peter R. Beaulieu
Kathleen A. Jordan
Sister Paula A. Kelleher, SSJ
Sandra A. Kucharski
Msgr. Richard F. Reidy
Rev. Michael J. Roy
Margaret M. Russell
Most. Rev. Robert J. McManus, (ex-officio)
Claire Freda, chairperson
Richard Hummel, vice-chairman
Judith Audette
Maurice Boisvert
Rev. C. Michael Broderick
Raymond L. Delisle
Dr. Heather C. Forkey
Rev. James S. Mazzone
Marian McGovern
Rev. Dean N. Paleologos,
Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone
Katherine Perkins
Msgr.. Richard F. Reidy
Hon. Edward J. Reynolds
Robert Stiles, Esq
Msgr. Thomas J. Sullivan
Dr. Lynda M. Young
St. Anne’s Free Medical Program Board
Lisa Izzo, chair
Lisa Carroll, vice-chair
Anthony Adade
Ester Boama-Nyarko
Jane Lochrie
Elizabeth Mena
Nancy Noonan
Nicholas Obeng
John Smithhisler
Rev. Enoch Kyermateng, chaplain
St. Paul Catholic Schools Consortium Board
Christopher L. Staal, chairman
Brian Allain
Keith Boissoneau
Timothy J. Fluharty
Robert Keating
Christopher W. McCarthy
Michael J. Nicholson
Sarah O'Toole
Nancy Pierce
Cristina Valeri
Dr. Bernard A. Westerling III
Deborah Wright
St. Paul Diocesan Jr/Sr HS Board
Steve Perla, acting chair
Esther Boama-Nyarko
Michael Curtis
Rev. James Flynn
RIchard Fournier
Rev. John Madden
Michael Spillane
Chris Staal
Sharon Zenevitch
Ex officio:
Michael Clark
Marybeth Gilmore
David Perda, Ph. D.
St. Vincent Community Health Care Fund Allocations Committee
Msgr. Peter Beaulieu
Jeanette Bruso
Lisa Carroll
Raymond L. Delisle
Donna Wrenn
Marybeth Gilmore
Serra Club, Worcester North
John J. Shannon, president
Robert DeBettencourt, treasurer
Cathy North-Erickson, secretary
William Benton
Carol Boudreau
Norman Bourdreau
Jean Lawler
Edward Reynolds
Stephan Sonia
Msgr. John E. Doran, chaplain
Serra Club, Worcester South
Ronald Malboeuf, president
John Hickey, vice-president
Paula Miner, treasurer
Constance Favreau, secretary
Cynthia Rawson, assistant secretary
Rev. Michael J. Roy, Chaplain
Visitation House Board
Jill Bowman, president
Ellen O’Connor, vice-chair
Maria Lemieux, treasurer
Donna Byrnes
Catherine Fontaine
David Keiselbach
John Laracy
Christina Nathan
Msgr. Michael F. Rose
Rebecca Urban, Ex. Director