49 Elm Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Phone: 508-791-7171
Fax: 508-753-7180
Email: Chancery Office
Bishop: Most Reverend Robert J. McManus
VIcar General & Moderator of the Curia: Msgr. Richard F. Reidy, J.C.L.
Chancellor: Raymond L. Delisle
Judicial Vicar: Rev. Msgr. F. Stephen Pedone, J.C.L.
Director of Fiscal Affairs: Marybeth Gilmore
Director of Priest Personnel: Rev. James Mazzone
Minister to Priests: Rev. Richard Trainor
DIrector of the Diaconate: Deacon Donald Pegg
Interim Episcopal Liaison to Religious: Sr. Paul Kelleher, SSJ
Bishop's Office & VIcar General: Mary Whitney
Tribunal: Eileen Charbonneau
Fiscal Affairs & Diaconate: Kathleen Barrett